9:55 PM
Sunday, December 7, 2008
went to sp
sry..no pic of the intact perfect cake before i ate it. coz it was so tempting tat i forgot ;D
intended to buy twilight new moon eclipse and breaking dawn. finally got my dad agreed to buying the books! muaahahaa ;D
but out of stock. ALL. --..garh. darn. so disappointing..after all my hard work of persuasion ):
i found p.s i love u instead.. didn't buy. saving the money for my most-desired ones (:
bumped into laylian. too bad, u failed to scare me again. ahah. and never i'll get freaked out
went to toastbox..but the queue was long..and all tables occupied. so i bought the blackforest cake at breadtalk which i happily scoffed it all myself. btw, i didn't hav to pay for it. free. whee :D
went to the wendy's for dinner. premium fish burger. fries. cheese and cheese baked potato. splendiferous :D