1:18 AM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
say something! (0)
a bit sien staying at home..eat too much stomach damn bloated and uneasy..felt very sleepy but couldn't slp..dun feel lyk doin any hol hw yet..can't use comp at times..haiz. dunno wat to do

dumb XXXX..chou XXXX ptff

i have really really set my mind! i'll go back to s'pore this coming thurs and attend my sch's investiture and not going back sg way!! really! i'm not going to fickle anymore..argh. super fan2 lah --.. but really sry..i dun wanna trouble my dad juz because i want to go back to sg way..it looks so naive..and not understanding

..why things don't seem fine these days..haiz
since that moment when i was on the bus still on my way back to bangsar..