6:12 AM
Thursday, December 11, 2008
it's a glass. half filled with water. next to my laptop. and when i wanted to drink it, i saw this tiny bug on the brink of the glass. i wanted to shoo it away actually..but accidentally pushed it into the glass instead. and off it went swimming in the nice fresh water in the glass. and then my water was contaminated with the bug's smell (but i dunno wat smell) and it was still alive! swimming. then i took it out and freed it. i saved a life u know ;D i'm great. lol
hav u guys tried butter coffee? well, u better not. coz it looks utterly completely wholly gross.. my bro's butter coincidentally dripped into his breakfast coffee. there were blotches of oil at the surface there. damn ewww. and i dunno wat happened to my bro after he drank it. but he's still alive..not tat bad (: