relieved tat it's over.. wasn't a very successful gathering after all..
thanks to me. -- a lousy organizer. i should hav plan it better lol
so..the 24 of us.. in a very crowded pyramid
we walked here walked there. no idea wat to do..
and the day when the earth stood still wasn't as nice as how its title sounds lyk. the earth didn't stand still --..
so i warn u guys out other movie if u want to go for cinema. and my another 11dollars..gone for nth!! ABSOLUTELY NTH! ptff. jz bcoz of the salesguy's stupid careless misktake
okay i admit it, i'm lousy at snooker. suck at it. but at least i had fun :D
and i was under 18. and i'm getting lung cancer soon. *i touched d wood
in the end we split up..
the guys were quite quiet..?
see wat 2 yrs can change man..
and ohya, at least i bought 2 pairs of earrings today. tat cheers me up
and managed to ask everyone to gather for a photo-taking..and asked someone to take it for us..but it was kinda blur. nvmd. and not really everyone too actually..
many changed..very dinstinctively. esp the boys..and their voices. i couldn't differentiate which voice is whose now. not at all! but at least i could still recognise everyone of them ;D
chingwen. me. peiyein a very blurry picture of cw in a very smoky murky gloomy pool place. thanks to my lousy phone camera --
and i had a very 'funny', unappetizing lunch at the wendy's..caesar salad with grilled chic. the chic was not bad..but the salad..omg. so freaking 'vegetably'. i'm darn sick of vege now oredi i tell u. esp the green leafy one. i didnt take a pic of my lunch. coz it was way too grossed..i need someone to improve my dining etiquette very desperately!! and i repeated my sickness again. which was to laugh-longtime..and that reminded me of the times with shinwei.. haha. kinda miss her frankly (:
and gd nite ppl
and the possibility of me organizing another class gathering next yr would be 30%! so u guys, ur turn to organize ;D
the pool place. with the killer-gas --.. not tat choking to me after a while actually. lol. and i WAS 18 yrs old fyi ;D
even though it's kinda a failure of d gathering i can say.. i really appreaciate everyone's effort to attend and at least made it complete.. THANKS 6A'06. love u guys (:
the whole group of us.. some left oredi though ): there were 24 ppl i think (i looked horrible --)
the boys
laylian. peiyein :D another version of <33
*i really regretted of saying yes and no.. can i take it back? pls?