10:43 PM
Saturday, December 20, 2008
wake up. makan. then off to kajang..my mum's hometown. where my grandma stays. lol obviously la --..
it was boring in d car.. and worse, SEARINGLY HOT. my mum forced me to seat at d front seat. walao
coz nth to do. so i started fiddling with my handphone :D
coollo car. i shall dream of being in this car tonite ;D
and then, i'm dead. due to boredom and the main factor, the HEAT
ate at hawker centre. my mum ordered coffee bing less ice. and the gal thought my mum ordered coffee bing AND nes(cafe) ice. -- so we had to take in another extra drinks..funny event. lol
see? all RAW. jijik. and i'm only goin to eat the cooked one. the ones that i cooked myself :D
poor washers..
dad :D (trying to look away so u dun hav to pay d bills huh? i won't let cha ;) )
i look lyk my dad!
it was boring in d car.. and worse, SEARINGLY HOT. my mum forced me to seat at d front seat. walao
coz nth to do. so i started fiddling with my handphone :D
ate at hawker centre. my mum ordered coffee bing less ice. and the gal thought my mum ordered coffee bing AND nes(cafe) ice. -- so we had to take in another extra drinks..funny event. lol
played checker with cousin. read a bit of his "damn lousy hostel" comic. then balik liao. coz the house is painting..eh no uncle is painting the house. so everyone's too busy to entertain us --
reached home. played bball in d hot sun. makan. MADE MY OWN EARRINGS ;D I'M MARVELOUS. lol. btw, i made my earrings. a record okay!
mandi. then off to pyramid to eat at BarBQ plaza ;DD
mandi. then off to pyramid to eat at BarBQ plaza ;DD
my mum ordered THREE HUGE PLATES when there were only me, dad, auntie and herself!
i can't believe tat 4 of us had actually finished ALL!! gosh. i seriously need to get worked out ;O
lol. i noe tat --
and..my 18yrs old bro look sooo lyk my mum. he was not there with us btw
another piece of random information..i think my bro looks so much better with his new specs ;D