10:06 PM
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
skipping sch lalala~
go back spore mati lah. ying1 gai1 got a lot of things to catch up.. and i'm not doin any selfstudying nor revision here D;
i love cny!!!
everyday eat slp play watch tv nth else..
too many nice shows
i finished drinking a can of carlsberg beer at my waipo's house..
then my face got so damn red and hot and sakit kepala..heart beat damn fast
1st time drinking.. chao shuang haha. but the aftereffects super teruk lah
but i wasnt drunk.. 5% only lah ;)
somehow i'm in love with fannwong's movie now..
laoshijialaoda and jzfollowlaw rock!
i wanna watch the wedding game!! D; but my head still aching now..how to go for cinema show --
go back spore mati lah. ying1 gai1 got a lot of things to catch up.. and i'm not doin any selfstudying nor revision here D;
i love cny!!!
everyday eat slp play watch tv nth else..
too many nice shows
i finished drinking a can of carlsberg beer at my waipo's house..
then my face got so damn red and hot and sakit kepala..heart beat damn fast
1st time drinking.. chao shuang haha. but the aftereffects super teruk lah
but i wasnt drunk.. 5% only lah ;)
somehow i'm in love with fannwong's movie now..
laoshijialaoda and jzfollowlaw rock!
i wanna watch the wedding game!! D; but my head still aching now..how to go for cinema show --
10:03 PM
Saturday, January 24, 2009
6:16 AM
Thursday, January 22, 2009
more random pics here i took today :D coz my mood was good! hahha
today passed lyk a zoom la. coz had 2 tests..and was busy decorating classroom and preparing for assumbly. garh stading during assembly was so sien -- and damn awkward
ptff. she really super.. haih -- i hav no words to describe her. she's funny, interesting, amusing and yet irritating at the same time! D; and ohya, demanding/imperious --

today passed lyk a zoom la. coz had 2 tests..and was busy decorating classroom and preparing for assumbly. garh stading during assembly was so sien -- and damn awkward
ptff. she really super.. haih -- i hav no words to describe her. she's funny, interesting, amusing and yet irritating at the same time! D; and ohya, demanding/imperious --

hahah. felicia and chyi fang are always in the view (with un-glam actions Xp). sry not on purpose one okay! it was jz so coincident that u both were inside when i snapped random pics ;D
coz it has air-cond
and coz it has mirrors :D
yay! finally going back home tmr!! :DDD
yay! finally going back home tmr!! :DDD
uh but somehow i dunno y.. part of me dun feel lyk goin back.. and i hav actually been very looking forward to tmr since weeks ago.. haih. if some kind soul can tell me the reason for this.. i'll appreciate it very much. lol (:
i'll be skipping sch tmr! woohoo! while u all are sweating lyk mad under the hot sun tmr, i'll be enjoying the air-cond in d bus :DDD and while u all are trying to concentrate in class for lessons but kept being distracted by cny mood, i'll still be enjoying my air-cond in d bus. lol :DD
12:58 AM
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
super random pictures taken right before our geog test on tues! and when mstsw came in i was still snapping photo lyk super damn obvious. luckily she didnt catch me :D

i see felicia's leotard! ;D
i was damn obsessed in playing with my phone..and the next moment i only realised that geog test is gonna start in jz a few seconds!
stayed back after sch for class deco again..walao it's lyk i stay back almost everyday? -- and when i'm not even in charge of it!

and my geog test is so damn screwed tat i jz dun wanna care --
i wrote a whole chunk of para when it asked us to draw and illustrate! but at least i still drew the diagram la. but without much labelling :'( it's 8 marks eh!
garh fine. dun care la. currently in cny mood :D
and this's a pic of the dolphin dustbin in the fam lounge. today's my first time having lyk so much time left after eating during recess! omg. so happy and relax la can :D coz normally i only hav 5mins or even less to eat coz of duty --
she's super demanding and pissing off lah. feel lyk strangling her -- or telling her in her face that why dont she do it or buy it instead
haih nvmd. at least i kinda enjoyed the process :D aiya i jz do my own way la. heck care bout her comments D;
8:06 PM
Monday, January 19, 2009
3moredaystoCNY :DD
erm ok lah. it's actually 5 or 6 more days to cny..but still. i lyk to think it in a positive way ;D
and i'm gonna skip sch this fri and next wed! and skip a gong1 han2 test. omg. it'll be my 1st test that i'll be skipping! YAY. and i'm skipping it for the sake of cny. i'm so glad :D
in a super good mood today. even though i was lyk practically d last person to leave d classroom for d cny class deco -.-
and somehow i dunno y, i'm lyk in all a sudden in charge of d stupid class deco thingy! when i'm not even in aesthetic! walao..d pissing-off mc la. as if i'm d only person she knows in d class
sometimes i really feel lyk a fool..
lalala..i jz ate dark choc. damn high now :D
no mood to study geog la! and plus, there's no sdls. omg, how can u expect me to concentrate in d room --..unless u tempt me with food :DD
gosh. i'm even doubting tat i'm getting skinnier and skinnier -- my appetite's terribly big lately. and has been lasting for weeks! even sw says i eat a lot. hahha ;D
aiya go study geog la u lazy bump! D;
3moredaystoCNY :DD
erm ok lah. it's actually 5 or 6 more days to cny..but still. i lyk to think it in a positive way ;D
and i'm gonna skip sch this fri and next wed! and skip a gong1 han2 test. omg. it'll be my 1st test that i'll be skipping! YAY. and i'm skipping it for the sake of cny. i'm so glad :D
in a super good mood today. even though i was lyk practically d last person to leave d classroom for d cny class deco -.-
and somehow i dunno y, i'm lyk in all a sudden in charge of d stupid class deco thingy! when i'm not even in aesthetic! walao..d pissing-off mc la. as if i'm d only person she knows in d class
sometimes i really feel lyk a fool..
lalala..i jz ate dark choc. damn high now :D
no mood to study geog la! and plus, there's no sdls. omg, how can u expect me to concentrate in d room --..unless u tempt me with food :DD
gosh. i'm even doubting tat i'm getting skinnier and skinnier -- my appetite's terribly big lately. and has been lasting for weeks! even sw says i eat a lot. hahha ;D
aiya go study geog la u lazy bump! D;
12:46 AM
had a meaningful + happy weekend :D
it wasnt really productive though. coz i hard;y studied anything when i'm having 3 or 4 tests this wk
but i rather flung my test to being happy :DD
i played bball!
and sw and me coloured/painted the cluster board and decorated our cluster with d cny stuffs (:
take a look at our art piece man! (:
it's nice rite? i know that. hahaha ;D ok la. i can say tat it's not really perfect. but oredi quite good seeing that we didnt even use any pencil to sketch
well, it's copyrighted (: no copycats okay!
but argh dun hav a touch of d cny mood ://
sw made me sign 1st! and i was very jing3 zhang1 and so my signature turn out so freaking screwed --..i re-signed and re-signed lyk 3 or 4 times..
it wasnt really productive though. coz i hard;y studied anything when i'm having 3 or 4 tests this wk
but i rather flung my test to being happy :DD
i played bball!
and sw and me coloured/painted the cluster board and decorated our cluster with d cny stuffs (:
take a look at our art piece man! (:
it's nice rite? i know that. hahaha ;D ok la. i can say tat it's not really perfect. but oredi quite good seeing that we didnt even use any pencil to sketch
well, it's copyrighted (: no copycats okay!
but argh dun hav a touch of d cny mood ://
and i won the tic-tac-toe man! twice! ;DD (i'm x, sw's o) see see see? :D i'm pro!!
4:55 PM
Saturday, January 17, 2009
didnt blog for long time d. reason: too bz/ too lazy --
anyway..the first thing is
love ya! always. u r d best man :D
and at least one gd news which cheered my damn depressing day up was tat the postman delivered d letter to my house today jz in time! :D omg i didnt know tat i'm so pro and so accurate! hahaha lol. i hav the supernatural power of foresight ;D
today's morning part was damn saddening. a waste of time. and worse, i was feeling so sick during cca.. gotta wake up at 6.45am. cca dragged until 12.30 summore. and i hardly learn any new steps either! i spent my entire time stoning and yawning and my tears coming out nia. damn pissing off
oh and my senior has migrating off to canada..wish her all the best there! (:
then i had lunch outside coz my cca was prolonged so i couldnt come back in time for lunch -- how sad
and i had a nap! too tired --..my eyes were damn watery. i dreamt of sth..(: cant rmb le
and i couldnt concentrate on geog lah. stupid plate tectonics. so complicated for wat! haih. pure geog pure geog. i hate pure geog :// and it's jz d start..aiya die la. so i went to d music room with xy! (:
then bball!!;D tat's my only way out of all these despairing stuffs
anyway..the first thing is
love ya! always. u r d best man :D
and at least one gd news which cheered my damn depressing day up was tat the postman delivered d letter to my house today jz in time! :D omg i didnt know tat i'm so pro and so accurate! hahaha lol. i hav the supernatural power of foresight ;D
today's morning part was damn saddening. a waste of time. and worse, i was feeling so sick during cca.. gotta wake up at 6.45am. cca dragged until 12.30 summore. and i hardly learn any new steps either! i spent my entire time stoning and yawning and my tears coming out nia. damn pissing off
oh and my senior has migrating off to canada..wish her all the best there! (:
then i had lunch outside coz my cca was prolonged so i couldnt come back in time for lunch -- how sad
and i had a nap! too tired --..my eyes were damn watery. i dreamt of sth..(: cant rmb le
and i couldnt concentrate on geog lah. stupid plate tectonics. so complicated for wat! haih. pure geog pure geog. i hate pure geog :// and it's jz d start..aiya die la. so i went to d music room with xy! (:
then bball!!;D tat's my only way out of all these despairing stuffs
11:58 PM
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
damn tired. and i made a right choice to skip remedial! :D coz i bet i'll be jz sleeping in class if i go.
anyway, i seriously slept and even had a short and sweet dream during d noon's prayer! lyk even only for a few seconds.. :D this jz shows how tired i am
i need SLEEP
and..my syf dance is so totally wholly screwed! :// hopeless..my first and d last syf and d one and only syf. efforts of staying back during d hols all down d drain..
hopefully wang laoshi can realise how screwed we are!
ptff. wat the flowery fishy flower fish la! --
walao..pissed off by some teacher
and..canteen duty is...super duper uper sien. and worse, pointless --
my recess and lunch for this whole week is damn terrible. only 5 mins or even less for eating time
this seriously sux!
aiya everything screwed la
look on the bright side (:
nine more days to GOIN HOMEEEEE :D
and 2 more days to my mum's big day! :D and to d day which my sat cca will start.. D;
i'm dreading sch.. eventhough there were fun times..
anyway, i seriously slept and even had a short and sweet dream during d noon's prayer! lyk even only for a few seconds.. :D this jz shows how tired i am
i need SLEEP
and..my syf dance is so totally wholly screwed! :// hopeless..my first and d last syf and d one and only syf. efforts of staying back during d hols all down d drain..
hopefully wang laoshi can realise how screwed we are!
ptff. wat the flowery fishy flower fish la! --
walao..pissed off by some teacher
and..canteen duty is...super duper uper sien. and worse, pointless --
my recess and lunch for this whole week is damn terrible. only 5 mins or even less for eating time
this seriously sux!
aiya everything screwed la
look on the bright side (:
nine more days to GOIN HOMEEEEE :D
and 2 more days to my mum's big day! :D and to d day which my sat cca will start.. D;
i'm dreading sch.. eventhough there were fun times..
4:47 PM
Saturday, January 10, 2009
okay..hazel wants me to post. so i shall post
i'm dying in the first week of sch oredi D;
i'm dying in the first week of sch oredi D;
1:28 PM
Sunday, January 4, 2009
in a bball frenzy
played at noon. with sy sw xy and sec ones
played at night. with wy zw sy sw joyce ft grace
haven been feeling so nice after a long time
played again at noon. with sw kr yc zw
body aching now --
very suan..
played at noon. with sy sw xy and sec ones
played at night. with wy zw sy sw joyce ft grace
haven been feeling so nice after a long time
played again at noon. with sw kr yc zw
body aching now --
very suan..
5:35 AM
Friday, January 2, 2009
1st day of sch was jz soooo boring. but at least my form teacher was quite nice and funny. jovial (:
i nearly fell asleep during d safety and precaution talk..i even asked chyi fang to slap me..but she didnt say anything. bu she de ba..hahah
haiz. no sleeping during lessons and assembly. no phone. no talking..
i seriously need to get used to this 'NEW SYSTEM' now D; sad
and i'm gonna hav a super busy year ahead.. which i dun want ahhhh
think positively..
and get over it :D
but i really felt lyk crying..
but held back d tears instead
coz. dont spoil my eyes (: lol
crying is jz no good --
damn tired now..
and my bank account..omg. MY MONEY!! D;
shopped too much last yr ): coz of cca lah! had to stay back..too bored. and so i shopped off all my money :'(
a post of random passages --
i nearly fell asleep during d safety and precaution talk..i even asked chyi fang to slap me..but she didnt say anything. bu she de ba..hahah
haiz. no sleeping during lessons and assembly. no phone. no talking..
i seriously need to get used to this 'NEW SYSTEM' now D; sad
and i'm gonna hav a super busy year ahead.. which i dun want ahhhh
think positively..
and get over it :D
but i really felt lyk crying..
but held back d tears instead
coz. dont spoil my eyes (: lol
crying is jz no good --
damn tired now..
and my bank account..omg. MY MONEY!! D;
shopped too much last yr ): coz of cca lah! had to stay back..too bored. and so i shopped off all my money :'(
a post of random passages --